International Society for
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing

From human history to the future with spatial information

Thank you very much for visit the Congress

Forums Presentations Keynote Speaker´s Presentations

12th July - 19th July 2016

  • Congress sponsors:

Actual Congress photo stream

ISPRS Congress - Final DAY

About the congress

ISPRS is a leading organization in remote sensing, photogrammetry and spatial information sciences - very high-resolution satellite imagery, terrain based imaging and participatory sensing, inexpensive platforms, and advanced information and communications technologies.

Every 4 years the Congress welcomes participants from all over the world. This gathering strengthens relations among the researchers, professionals and representatives of governmental and non-governmental organization thus enhancing the co-operation within the field. ISPRS welcomes all papers bringing new results, achievements, methods and theory to help to shift the present level of knowledge.

All interested organizations are welcome to participate at the Congress as exhibitors. Profit from the opportunity to present your products and services to the leaders in the field.

The program structure is split into several session types: Technical Sessions, Theme Sessions, Special sessions, Plenary Meetings, Exhibitor’s Showcase Sessions and Commercial Sessions.

You can visit more than 1500 presentation including 600 of interactive presentations with posters. During the Congress Exhibition you can visit stands of more than 80 exhibiting leading organization of the field.

What are you looking for at the congress?

  • Author

    Submit a contribution for the Congress.

  • Exhibitors

    How to order an exhibition stand at the Congress.

  • Participant

    See the latest version of the program.



Welcome at the official Congress website. Paper submission is open. Various submission options are possible. Choose from more than 100 submission groups including Technical & Theme sessions, Special Session, Youth Forum, Space Agency Forum, National Mapping and Cadastral Agency Forum and more.

  • Congress Program

    Detailed program here or a software description for CATCON competition.


    Find out more about prices
    and registration.

  • Guidelines for presenters

    See guidelines and recommendation
    for presenters.


Congress exhibition will take place at foyer of the PCC. Located next to coffee break area exhibitors will be always close to participants. See floor plans and choose best area by sending F1 form.


    See the floor plan (Floor 2).

  • List of exhibitors

    Go through the list of exhibiting companies in detail.

  • Commercial sessions

    Visit some of the commercial sessions.

Ordering forms and manuals

Have a look at detailed floor plans and choose the best spot now! Would you like to know who are the other exhibitors? See the list of reserved stands.

Information about the Congress exhibition and area reservation:

Exhibitor manual - Area reservation (PDF)
Ordering Form F1 (PDF)

For detailed information about the stand construction
and freight see:

Exhibitor Manual - Stands & Freight (PDF)
Ordering Forms F2-F20 (PDF)

General Conditions for exhibiting at the Congress.

DB Schenker:

General customs-forwarding informations for exhibitors

Quotation request

Combinated proforma-invoice/packing-list


Mrs. Linda Skarkova
phone: +420 277 278 412
gsm: +420 777 725 129


Enjoy the Congress and fabulous venue city, Prague.


  • Awards for Young Scientists and for honorary members of the community.
  • Large exhibition with Exhibitors Showcase and Exhibitors' Reception.
  • Every day social events (Welcome reception, Exhibitors Reception, Gala Dinner, Youth Meeting,...)
  • From halfday to 2-day Optional and Technical Tours.
  • One-Day Registration option.
  • Prague public transport during the Congress free of charge.
  • Rich Social Program.

Congress program

The Congress is divided into multiple sessions of various types. To actively participate (as a presenter) you must submit a contribution to the one of the following sessions:

General Information Final program


The main purpose of the Student Consortium is to link students, young researches and professionals in different countries and provide a platform for exchange of information, to organize student specific events and other actions that integrate youth effectively into ISPRS.

Youth activities will start with Summer school before the Congress, followed by Youth Forum during the Congress. “Youth Forum” Best posters and papers will be awarded during the General Assembly. To strengthen the interaction among young scientists special social program for young scientists will be organized.

More info


ISPRS recognizes individual accomplishments through the sponsorship of awards and honors which are granted at each quadrennial Congress. Nominations for deserving candidates for awards are welcome and may be made by individuals or organizations in due time.

More info

Platinum sponsor:

Congress Organizer:

Local partners:

Media partners: