International Society for
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing

From human history to the future with spatial information

  • Congress sponsors:

General Information


For any queries about Accommodation, please, contact our Accommodation Partner C-IN:

C-IN, s.r.o.
Prague Congress Centre
5. května 65
140 21 Prague 4
Czech Republic
Tel.: +420 261 174 301 mobil


Vaclav Havel Airport Prague is located around 45 minutes by car from the Prague Congress Centre.
There are two ways how to go to Vyšehrad (Vyšehrad metro station, red line C) by public transport. Buy your public transport ticket at the bus station and do not forget to validate it on the bus.

  1. You can take bus number 119 from the Vaclav Havel Airport and go to Nadrazi Veleslavin metro station (green line A). Then you take the metro to Muzeum metro station where you have to change the line for the red one. You have to go in the direction of Haje and get off in Vysehrad metro station where the Prague Congress Center is located.

  2. You can take the Airport Express bus to Hlavni nadrazi (Prague Main Station, red line C) and then just take the metro (red line, direction Haje) and get off in Vysehrad.
There will be two stands of ISPRS Congress at the airport from 10.7. to 12. 7. 2016 (in the arrival hall of Terminal 1, as well as in Terminal 2) where you can ask for any information needed.


An ATM is located between the entrances No. 5 and 6 of the Congress Center. There is also another ATM right next to the entrance of metro station Vysehrad.


Along with your registration, you will be given your own badge that must be worn when attending all the sessions in Prague Congress Centre. Delegates without the badge will not be allowed to enter the Prague Congress Centre. In case of loss of your badge, you can ask for a new badge that will be given to you for a handling fee of 10 euros. Your original badge will be blocked.

Certificate of Attendance

All registered delegates are entitled to receive a Certificate of Attendance. You can also ask for it after the Congress by sending a request to


A cloakroom is located on the ground floor of the Congress Center.This service is free of charge for all participants.

Culture and Entertainment


The most important cultural institutions in Prague are the National Gallery with its extensive art collections spread throughout the city in six locations and the National Museum hosting historical and natural history exhibits. Prague’s other fine museums are definitely worth a visit: the Jewish Museum ( with the world’s largest collection of Judaic art, Rudolfinum which hosts contemporary art temporary exhibitions, and House of the Black Madonna, one of the rare Cubist buildings in Europe itself, with exhibitions of Czech Cubism. Families with children can spend pleasant time in National Technical Museum ( or in the Prague Zoo (


There are nearly 40 different theatres in Prague. Among them the National Theatre, the Estates Theatre (the first theatre which was built in Prague), State Opera, and National Marionette Theatre are all gorgeous buildings hosting a wealth of performances, mostly concerts, opera and ballets. Very amazing is Black Light Theatre. One performance is also offered for the Congress participants.


The Czech Republic, and especially Prague is a top destination for foreign movies production. Prague was a carefully chosen shooting location for Amadeus, Mission: Impossible with Tom Cruise (the movie opening scene takes place in the National Museum), The Bourne Identity, Les Miserables and many others.


Prague has several major opera houses and concert halls. It is home to the world famous Czech Philharmonic Orchestra and the Czech Symphony Orchestra, etc. So why not treat yourself to a bit of Prague culture by visiting the Statni Opera Praha, the Prague State Opera on Wilsonova 4, which has a continuous programme of Opera and Ballet. It is just a step away from the National Museum at the top of Wenceslas Square. Prague also offers ma ny small scale clubs with live music production as well as dance clubs with DJ production.


Currency of the Czech Republic is the Czech Crown (CZK). However, Euro is accepted in many restaurants, hotels and shops. Payment with credit card is always a solution. Exchange rates are approximately 27 CZK/EUR and 24 CZK/USD. For more detailed information please check the actual exchange rates. Czech banknotes are issued in the following denominations: 100/200/500/1000/2000/5000 CZK. Coins are denominated: 1/2/5/10/20/50 CZK.


The voltage is 220 V with frequency of 50 KHz

Czech plug:

Emergency calls

  • Fire Department: 150
  • General Emergency: 112
  • Medical Services: 155
  • Police: 158

First Aid

In case of need do not hesitate to contact the First Aid station which is located on the ground floor of the Venue.

The nearest clinic is Poliklinika Budejovicka which is located at the Budejovicka metro station (red line).

Poliklinika Budějovická
Antala Staška 1670/80
140 00 Praha 4
Reception desk: + 420 261 006 111

Gala Dinner

Gala Dinner will be held in Zofin Palace. Black tie dress code is required.

Zofin Palace Address:
Slovanský ostrov 226
11000 Prague

You can take the metro from Vysehrad metro station (red line) to I. P. Pavlova metro station (in the direction of Letnany). You should change the metro for the tram nb. 22 to Narodni divadlo (National theatre). Zofin Palace is situated about 200 meters from the tram stop (in front of the bridge go to the left, alongside the Vltava River and over a small bridge to the right)

Information about Prague

For more information about Prague or Czeh republic, please, visit these websites:


We strongly recommend participants to carry travel and health insurance. Such an insurance is not included in the registration fee.

ISPRS Emergency number

In case of any questions, do not hesitate to contact us on + 420 773 877 074.


The official language of the Event is English. No simultaneous translation is provided.


An underground parking space is available in the Prague Congress Centre, however the parking fee is not included in the registration fee.


The nearest pharmacy is located in the shopping center Arkady Pankrac – 2 underground stations from Vysehrad metro station (direction Haje).
For more information you can visit the pharmacy´s website:


Poster area is situated on the 3rd floor.

Prague Congress Centre

Address of the venue:

5. kvetna 65
140 21 Prague 4, Czech Republic
630 80 249

Metro station: Vysehrad (red line, C)

Prague public transport

All delegates will be given a free public transport ticket valid for the period of the whole event (12.-19. July 2016).


The Metro operates daily from 05:00 to 24:00. It is the fastest and cheapest way of moving around the city. The Metro network consists of 3 lines:
A-green colour, B – yellow colour, C – red colour

Trams and Buses

Trams and buses operate 24 hours a day.
Night trams and buses operate from 00:30 – 4:30 with traffic intervals of approximately 30 minutes.
For more information, please, visit the website of the Prague Public Transit Company:

Preparation of Presentations

Please hand in your presentation 2 hours in advance in the Speakers preview room on the second floor in the Meeting room 2.1.

Registration Desk

The registration desk is located on the ground floor of the Congress Centre. Phone number: + 420 773 877 074

Opening hours:
Monday: 11 July - 13:00-17:30
Tuesday: 12 July - 08:00-20:00
Wednesday:13 July - 08:00-19:00
Thursday: 14 July - 08:00-18:00
Friday: 15 July - 08:00-18:00
Saturday: 16 July - 08:00-18:00
Sunday: 17 July - 08:00-18:00
Monday: 18 July - 08:00-18:00
Tuesday: 19 July - 08:00-17.30


Czech cuisine is a combination of Austrian, Hungarian and German cuisines and creates its own special style and taste. The most famous Czech dishes are a roasted duck, Prague ham or roasted pork with dumplings and cabbage (sauerkraut) served of course with the famous well cooled Czech Pilsner beer. If you prefer a sweet dish, there is a long list of them, such as sweet dumplings stuffedwith strawberry, apricot, blueberry or many other kinds of fruit. Prague has been emerging as a centre of fine dining in Europe in the last couple of years as many Czech and international chefs started showcasing their talents in Prague restaurants.


Prague is one of the safest destinations in Europe. Nevertheless we strongly recommend you to pay a special attention to all your personal belongings.


Most shops in Prague are opened from 9:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Saturday.
Pařížská street is an exclusive shopping precinct filled with luxurious designer retail stores and most of the items are priced too match. The street is also home to up-market hotels and restaurants including Baroque restaurant with its movie star and film theme.
International companies such as the retailers Louis Vuitton, Cartier, Prada, Hugo Boss and a Christian Dior boutique have premises along this street. There is also a good selection of the Czech porcelain, Bohemian glass and crystal from stores situated here and in close streets as the Celetná Street. Beside the Pařížská and Celetná street, there is also Wenceslas Square, which is a wide boulevard with many shops, restaurants and hotels, and the Na Příkopě street, that is the heart of Prague business centre.

Smoking Policy

Please note that smoking is not permitted anywhere within the Prague Congress Center.
Smoking is also usually forbidden in restaurants between 12 and 14 pm.


It is very easy to get a Taxi in the city center. However we recommend you to use hotel taxis or obtain taxis by phone through the taxi services:

AAA: + 420 14 014
City taxi: + 420 257 257 257
Nejlevnejsi taxi: + 420 226 000 226

Boarding charge is approximately 30 CZK. Please be careful to fraudulent taxi services and always ask in advance about the boarding charge.


Czech time is GMT +1 hour, in summer GMT + 2 (summer time).


In all restaurants and bars tips are welcome. If you consider the service good enough to leave a tip, suggested level is around 10 % that is not included in the bill.


Free Wi-Fi internet connection is available in the building.

Weather in Czech Republic

Prague being located in Central Europe has rather high variations regarding weather between the seasons. It is possible to say, the weather in Prague is warm and fairly dry in spring; summer is warm and sunny. The average temperature in June/July is 24° C (75°F) during the afternoon. Prague is very beautiful during the entire year. It is very difficult to say when to come, because you will always find the capital’s own unique charm in any season

Congress program

The Congress is divided into multiple sessions of various types. To actively participate (as a presenter) you must submit a contribution to the one of the following sessions:


The Scientific Program of the Congress will offer a wide range of topics, which are incorporated in the present orientations of the ISPRS Technical Commissions and all their Working Groups.

Theme Sessions will present bridging themes between/among WGs.


ISPRS cooperates with other organizations and they organize together so called Special Sessions (SpS). These sessions will enhance a range of potential applications of our knowledge and will spread our achievements to the member of our sister organizations.


On Sunday 17 July, there will be oral and interactive sessions organized by ISPRS Student Consortium. The students who are currently working on their graduate, master and PhD. studies are welcome to attend.


All registrants at the ISPRS Congress may nominate a software system or a data set for the contest. In principle, all tutorials, software or data sets nominated for CATCON contest should be non-commercial and should be provided to users without license charges for not-for-profit use.


ISPRS together with United Nations Initiation on Global Geospatial Information Management (UN-GGIM) will organize the first ISPRS — UN-GGIM National Mapping and Cadastral Agency Forum. One of the strategy goals of ISPRS is to provide a better forum for National Mapping and Cadastral Agencies to discuss their scientific and technical issues in mapping.


ISPRS together with the International Academy of Astronautics will organize the first ISPRS-IAA Space Agency Forum. The Forum provides an ideal platform for Space Agencies for mutual discussions with one of the main community of users of space imagery and scientific community that supports it.


ISPRS encourages companies to organize Exhibitor’s Showcase Sessions and Commercial Sessions to present the latest development of their societies to the ISPRS Congress participants.


Half-day or one-day tutorials will take place before the Congress (11 and 12 July). These tutorials are prepared for Congress participants to bring their knowledge up to date or to be introduced to new developments.


Summer school before the Congress will focus among other topics mainly on: LIDAR Measurements and Free softrware for GIS and remote sensing. All Summer school participants must have an accepted paper at the Congress.



The Congress offers social activities every evening such as Welcome Reception, Exhibitors’ Reception, Congress Dinner and more.

For young scientist special social program will be prepared like Young Scientists Ice-Breaker Party, Soccer match and more.

Various optional and technical tours will be offered.

General Information Final program


The main purpose of the Student Consortium is to link students, young researches and professionals in different countries and provide a platform for exchange of information, to organize student specific events and other actions that integrate youth effectively into ISPRS.

Youth activities will start with Summer school before the Congress, followed by Youth Forum during the Congress. “Youth Forum” Best posters and papers will be awarded during the General Assembly. To strengthen the interaction among young scientists special social program for young scientists will be organized.

More info


ISPRS recognizes individual accomplishments through the sponsorship of awards and honors which are granted at each quadrennial Congress. Nominations for deserving candidates for awards are welcome and may be made by individuals or organizations in due time.

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