International Society for
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing

From human history to the future with spatial information

  • Congress sponsors:

Scientific Program & Sessions

ISPRS welcomes all papers bringing new results, achievements, methods and theory to help to shift the present level of knowledge.

The program structure is split into several session types:

Plenary Sessions

Three Plenary Sessions will offer excellent keynote speakers from different cultures and with various interesting topics. Read more about Congress plenary speakers.

Technical Sessions

The Scientific Programme of the Congress will offer a wide range of topics, which are incorporated in the present orientations of the ISPRS Technical Commissions and all their Working Groups (WGs). They are included in the Technical Sessions (TeS).

These sessions form, in fact together with the Theme Sessions, the scientific volume of the development in the ISPRS branches since the previous ISPRS Congress. Technical Sessions are assigned to Working Groups of the ISPRS Technical Commissions.

Technical Commission I

  • TeS: WG I/1 — Standardization of Airborne Platform Interfaces
  • TeS: WG I/2 — LiDAR, SAR and Optical Sensors for Airborne and Spaceborne Platforms
  • TeS: WG I/3 — Multi-Platform Multi-Sensor System Calibration
  • TeS: WG I/4 — Geometric and Radiometric Modeling of Optical Airborne and Spaceborne Sensors 
  • TeS: WG I/5 — Satellite Systems for Earth Observation
  • TeS: ICWG I/Va — Mobile Scanning and Imaging Systems for 3D Surveying and Mapping
  • TeS: ICWG I/Vb — Unmanned Vehicle Systems (UVS): Sensors and Applications

Technical Commission II

  • TeS: WG II/1 — Spatio-temporal Modelling
  • TeS: WG II/2 — Multiscale n-dimensional Spatial Data Representations, Data Structures and Algorithms
  • TeS: WG II/3 — Spatial Analysis and Data Mining
  • TeS: WG II/4 — Spatial Statistics and Uncertainty Modeling
  • TeS: WG II/5 — GeoComputation and GeoSimulation
  • TeS: WG II/6 — Geovisualization and Virtual Reality
  • TeS: WG II/7 — Intelligent Spatial Decision Support
  • TeS: WG II/8 — Mobility: Tracking, Analysis and Communication
  • TeS: WG II/IV — Semantic Interoperability and Ontology for Geospatial Information

Technical Commission III

  • TeS: WG III/1 — Orientation and Surface Reconstruction
  • TeS: WG III/2 — Point Cloud Processing
  • TeS: WG III/3 — Image Sequence Analysis
  • TeS: WG III/4 — 3D Scene Analysis
  • TeS: WG III/5 — Computer Graphics and Remote Sensing
  • TeS: ICWG III/I — Sensor Modeling for Integrated Orientation and Navigation
  • TeS: ICWG III/VII — Pattern Analysis in Remote Sensing

Technical Commission IV

  • TeS: WG IV/1 — Methods for the Update and Verification of Geospatial Databases
  • TeS: WG IV/2 — Global Status of Mapping and Geospatial Database Updating
  • TeS: WG IV/3 — Global DEM Interoperability
  • TeS: WG IV/4 — Geospatial Data Infrastructure
  • TeS: WG IV/5 — Web and Cloud Based Geospatial Services and Applications
  • TeS: WG IV/6 — Sensor Web and Internet of Things
  • TeS: WG IV/7 — 3D Indoor Modelling and Navigation
  • TeS: WG IV/8 — Planetary Mapping and Spatial Databases
  • TeS: ICWG IV/II — Computing Optimization for Spatial Databases and Location based Services
  • TeS: ICWG IV/II/VII — Global Land Cover Mapping and Services

Technical Commission V

  • TeS: WG V/1 — Vision Metrology
  • TeS: WG V/2 — Cultural Heritage Data Acquisition and Processing
  • TeS: WG V/3 — Terrestrial 3D Imaging and Sensors
  • TeS: WG V/4 — Terrestrial 3D Modelling: Algorithms and Methods
  • TeS: WG V/5 — Close-range Measurements for Biomedical Sciences and Geosciences

Technical Commission VI

  • TeS: WG VI/1 — Web-based Resource Sharing for Education and Collaborative Research
  • TeS: WG VI/2 — E-Delivery of Education Services
  • TeS: WG VI/3 — Promotion of International Collaborative Education Programs
  • TeS: WG VI/4 — Promotion of Regional Cooperation and Regional Capacity Development in Geoinformatics
  • TeS: WG VI/5 — Promotion of the Profession to Young People
  • TeS: WG VI/6 — Technology Transfer and Capacity Development

Technical Commission VII

  • TeS: WG VII/1 — Physical Modelling and Signatures in Remote Sensing
  • TeS: WG VII/2 — DEM Generation and Surface Deformation Monitoring from SAR Data
  • TeS: WG VII/3 — Information Extraction from Hyperspectral Data
  • TeS: WG VII/4 — Methods for Image Classification
  • TeS: WG VII/5 — Methods for Change Detection and Process Modelling
  • TeS: WG VII/6 — Remote Sensing Data Fusion
  • TeS: WG VII/7 — Synergy in Radar and LiDAR

Technical Commission VIII

  • TeS: WG VIII/1 — Disaster and Risk Reduction
  • TeS: WG VIII/2 — Health
  • TeS: WG VIII/3 — Weather, Atmosphere and Climate Studies
  • TeS: WG VIII/4 — Water Resources
  • TeS: WG VIII/5 — Energy & Geological Applications
  • TeS: WG VIII/6 — Cryosphere
  • TeS: WG VIII/7 — Forestry, Natural Ecosystems & Biodiversity
  • TeS: WG VIII/8 — Land Cover and its Dynamics, Including Agricultural & Urban Land Use
  • TeS: WG VIII/9 — Coastal and Ocean Applications

Theme sessions

Since Terms of References of all WGs were defined already in 2012 and the development in many branches of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Sciences have brought new topics and themes, the Congress Scientific Programme offers a set of Theme Sessions (ThS). Theme Sessions will also present bridging themes between/among WGs or will be formed from excellent new topics not covered by the WG ones. Some of the Theme sessions are listed in this Announcement and some will even be created from accepted papers according to their content. Everybody with breaking topics is welcome to present such news! ISPRS is happy to give them the floor.

Topics of Theme Sessions (ThS)

  • ThS1: Validation and Analyses of Globe Land Cover

Keywords: land over, theme layers, accuracy, classes

  • ThS2: Operational Remote Sensing Application Services

Keywords: Remote Sensing Applications, Natural Resources, Resource assessment, Resource management, Sustainable agriculture, Precision farming, Flood inundation, Flood modelling, Ocean colour, Sea surface temperature, PFZ, Rainfall estimation, Railfall forecasting, Crop yield estimation, Crop production estimation, Tsunami, Coastal zone management, Soil resource mapping, Landslide prediction and damage assessment, Disaster management, Climate variability, Climate change, Forestry and ecology, Land use / Land cover, Water Recourses, Cryo-sphere, Hydrological modelling, Atmosphere, Early warning, Prediction modelling, Damage risk / damage Vulnerability, Damage mitigation, Cyclone, Environmental assessment and management, Forest inventory, Forest biomass, Forest stock, Forest working plan, Vegetation carbon, Soil carbon, DEM/DTM , 3D Modeling of terrain, City GML, City modelling, 3D Geo-visualisation, Drought, Earthquake, Geo web services, Geo-portal, GIS, LIDAR, RADAR, SAR, Capacity Building, Aerial Photography, Terrestrial laser scanning, ALTM, Mineral exploration, Natural hazards

  • ThS3: Sentinel-I Radar

Keywords: Sentinel 1 SAR data analysis regarding change detection, land cover classification, SAR Polarimetry, SAR Interferometry, novel applications

  • ThS4: TanDEM-X

Keywords: will be added soon

  • ThS5: 3D information extraction from SAR imagery

Keywords: Digital Surface Models (DSMs) - generation methodologies and quality assessment, StereoSAR (radargrammetry), interferometry, tomography, matching algorithms, point-wise vs. surface 3D feature information extraction, techniques integration, new SAR sensors potential, novel applications, open source software 

  • ThS6: Perstistent Scatterer Interferometry

Keywords: SAR, SAR interferometry, Differential SAR interferometry

  • ThS7: Information extraction from SAR imagery

Keywords: will be added soon

  • ThS8: Recent mapping of small planetary satellites, asteroids and comets

Keywords: Planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus Neptune, Dwarf Planet: (134340)Pluto), Asteroids: (1)Ceres, (4)Vesta, (21)Lutetia, (243)Ida, (253) Mathilde, (433)Eros, (511)Davida, (951)Gaspra, (2867)Steins, (4179)Toutatis, (25143)Itokawa, Comets: 1P/Halley, 9P/Tempel, 81P/Wild 2, 19P/Borrelly, 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, Satellites: Moon, Phobos, Deimos, Io, Europa, Ganymede, Callisto, Mimas, Enceladus, Tethys, Dione, Rhea, Titan, Iapetus, Phoebe, (134340)Pluto:I Charon

  • ThS9: In-door and out-door seamless location and navigation

Keywords: positioning, wifi, Bluetooth, global positioning, tracking, dead-reckoning

  • ThS10: Spatial ecology and ecosystem services mapping using Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs)

Keywords: biodiversity, ecological traits,EBV (essential biodiversity variables), ESS (ecosystem services), in situ, observations, harmonization, LiDAR, hyper-temporal, hyperspectral, SAR, GIS, data fusion

  • ThS11: Unmanned Aerial Systems: The Roadmap from Research to Applications

Keywords: UAS/UAV platforms and sensors, mission planning, primary data processing, performance validation

  • ThS12: Location-based Social Media Data

Keywords: Social media, Social networks, Location-based, Data mining, Keyword search, Pattern analysis, Big data

  • ThS13: Linked Geospatial Data

Keywords: Linked data, Semantic web, RDF data, GeoSPARQL, Application

  • ThS14: Recent Developments in Open Data

Keywords: Open data, Linked open data, e-Government, Geospatial, Web

  • ThS15: The quest for objects – does Geographic Object-based Image Analysis meet society’s needs?

Keywords: GEOBIA; object specific remote sensing methods; remote sensing / GIS integration; multi-scale analysis; remote sensing theory

  • ThS16: Perceptual and cognitive experiments with imagery and 3D models 

Keywords: Human factors, user experiments, fitness for use, usability, visual analytics, visual complexity, vision, perception, cognition, evaluations of information rich visualizations, user studies with satellite images and hybrid visualizations, use studies with 3D visualizations

  • ThS17: Smart cities 

Keywords: Geodesign, urban planning, visualization and spatial analysis of urban phenomena, energy use, walkability, pollution, health, infrastructure, population, aging

  • ThS18: GlobeLand30  

Keywords: Methodology of global land cover mapping and monitoring, Validation of GlobeLand30 data, Quality assessment methods, processing, and implementation for global land cover data, Data uncertainty issues related to GlobeLand30 and other global land cover datasets, Comparison and fusion of GlobeLand30 data with other global land cover products and geo-spatial datasets, Applications using GlobeLand30 data Internet-based processing and services of GlobeLand30 data, Societal impacts of GlobeLand30 data and applications

Special Sessions

ISPRS supports cooperation with other organizations like the International Cartographic Association, FIG, UN-GGIM, EuroSDR, URSI, etc. They will organize so called Special Sessions (SpS) to show the relations between ISPRS topics and science in their sphere. These sessions will enhance a range of potential applications of our knowledge and will spread our achievements to the members of our sister organizations.

Topics of Special Sessions (SpS)

  • SpS1 - CIPA: Geospatial Technology for Cultural Heritage

Keywords: close-range photogrammetry, implementation of contemporary technologies to the documentation and safegarding culture heritage, bridging the gap between providers of technological documentation products and the users.

  • SpS2 - ICSU, Geo Unions, JB GIS, UN-GGIM: Supporting Future Earth with Global GeoInformation

Keywords: Future Earth, geo-information, spatial analyses, sustainabble development,  global leadership, inter-disciplinary cooperation 

  • SpS3 - UNGGIM-AP: Location based management for economic growth

Keywords: place-based information, rapid acquisition and integration,  time-critical  applications, data sharing, web/cloud-based services, capability to deliver and use of GI, useffulness and benefits of GI, ethical principles

  • SpS4 - ICA: Image maps- theory, methods, standards

Keywords: Image map as a special map portraying geographic space with remote sensing image(s), from image parameters through cartographic visualization methods to standardized and non-standardized forms of publishing, theoretical concepts and practical experience with image map making, topography and theme maps areas

  • SpS5 - ICA: Image interpretation for mapping

Keywords: Processing of satellite, airborne and RAPS imagery for cartographic work, enhancement of differences between cartographer needs compared to other users of the same image data, practical use of remote sensing images for mapping and cartographic production, theoretical concepts of remote sensing images application for mapping

  • SpS6 - ICA: LBS and ubiquitous cartography

Keywords: Outdoor and indoor positioning, Smart environments and ambient spatial intelligence, Spatio-temporal data acquisition, processing, and analysis, LBS, crowdsourcing and volunteered geographic information (VGI), Neocartography, Geotagged big data, Personalization and context-aware adaptation, Visualization techniques for LBS, Novel user interfaces and interaction techniques, 3D and augmented reality, Innovative LBS systems and applications, Wayfinding and navigation, LBS and transportation applications, User studies and evaluations, Privacy and usability, Human factors in LBS, Smart cities, Legal and business aspects in LBS, Open source solutions and standards

  • SpS7 - GEO: Earth Observation and Societal Benefits: Global issues and best practices

Keywords: GEO, GEOSS, Earth Observation, societal benefits, climate change, global initiatives, Copernicus, data sharing, big data, cloud computing, project uptake and sustainability, funding opportunities, capacity building, citizen observatories, policy making

  • SpS8 - SSUGIT: Russian session - Advances in PH&RS&SIS in Russia

Keywords: UAV, Computer Vision, LiDAR, Multi Sensor Survey, Data Fusion, Open Source Software, Internal and External Orientation, ADC Calibration, Remote Sensing, Geo-information, E-geospace, Geoanalytics, Education, Smart Region, Digital Earth

  • SpS9 - GALILEO and COPERNICUS: geospatial and land applications and services

Keywords: Projects co-funded by the European Commission and the European GNSS Agency under Horizon 2020, the biggest EU Research and Innovation programme ever available over 7 years (2014-2020), development of sophisticated and innovative applications related to the Galileo and EGNOS capabilities to developments and technological breakthroughs to viable products with real commercial potential for geospatial community and market, GNSS, Galileo, EGNOS, Remote Sensing, Copernicus Land Monitoring

  • SpS10 - FOSS4G: FOSS4G Session (coorganized with OSGeo)

Keywords: Free and Open Source Software for Geoinformatics(FOSS4G), geospatial research platform and systems for developing new applications crossing the new frontiers towards the Internet of Places, Big Geospatial Data processing and analytics and complex simulations essential for understanding and managing the earth systems, human societies and their interaction

  • SpS11 - UNOOSA: Achievements and challenges of engaging Earth observations for global development in the post-2015 era

Keywords: Will be added soon

  • SpS12 - EuroSDR: Innovative technologies and methodologies for NMCAs“

Keywords: Oblique imagery, dense image matching, production pipeline, mapping, thematic classification

  • SpS13 - FIG: The Surveyors‘ Response to City Management

Keywords: spatial data infrastructures, mega cities, informal settlements, smart cities, 3d/4d cadaster, security of tenure, urban land readjustment

  • SpS14 -  IAG: Imaging Geodesy

Keywords: InSAR, LiDAR, Satellite Altimetry, and Satellite Gravimetry for Geohazards

  • SpS15 - URSI: Disaster and Risk Management

Keywords: earthquakes, tsunamis, solar superstorms, sensors technologies, communication technologies, remote sensing systems, image processing, and decision support airborne and ground radars, ground penetrating radars, space based radars, lidars, antennas, propagation limitations through atmospheric and space weather variations, crisis communications, propagation limitations through atmospheric and space weather variations, networking, ground measurement sensors, airborne and other mobile sensors (drones, etc.), satellite based sensors, communications traffic monitoring, signal and target detection and classification techniques, data management, damage assessment\  

  • SpS16 - EARSeL: Imaging Spectroscopy in environmental analyses

Keywords: Hyperspectral image, Imaging Spectroscopy, field spectroscopy, n-visualisation, subpixel analyses, hyperspectral mapping, feature extraction  

  • SpS17 - GEO: Earth Observation from Global Land to Urban Systems

Keywords: global urban observation, global land cover, urban morphological database, sustainable cities, requirements for global mapping and validation

  • SpS18: Advancing Geospatial Research into Standards: The ISPRS and OGC Coordination

Keywords: OGC, standards, metadata, indoorGML, coverages, data cubes

Interactive Sessions

At the Congress in Prague, emphasis will be given to the presentation of technical papers at the interactive sessions, with direct interaction between authors and audience. Posters will be displayed for the whole day according to the date they are assigned between July 13 to July 18. Topics of Interactive sessions comply with Technical, Theme and Special Sessions.

Commercial Sessions

ISPRS encourages companies especially Exhibitors and/ or Sustaining Members to organize Exhibitor’s Showcase Sessions and Commercial Sessions to present the latest development of their societies to the ISPRS Congress participants. It is a good way to contact directly all subjects who might be interested in possible cooperation.

Commercial Sessions

Exhibitors, Sustaining Members or other interested organizations may organize Commercial Sessions for participants. These take place in designated rooms hired for this purpose. It is a great way to attract possible customers, suppliers or participants. If you have a new product or other news you would like to present to the public a Commercial Session is a great way to do it.

For further information contact us at

Exhibitor’s Showcase Sessions

Every exhibitor has an opportunity to make a short direct presentation free of charge during the Exhibitors' Showcase (mic&speakers, basic presentation device) in the exhibition area, where coffee breaks and lunches take place.

If you have just a short presentation about your latest product or quick news you would like to tell to the public, Exhibitor’s Showcase is a great way to communicate. Thanks to the location at the catering area, the wide audience will be always present.

Congress program

The Congress is divided into multiple sessions of various types. To actively participate (as a presenter) you must submit a contribution to the one of the following sessions:


The Scientific Program of the Congress will offer a wide range of topics, which are incorporated in the present orientations of the ISPRS Technical Commissions and all their Working Groups.

Theme Sessions will present bridging themes between/among WGs.


ISPRS cooperates with other organizations and they organize together so called Special Sessions (SpS). These sessions will enhance a range of potential applications of our knowledge and will spread our achievements to the member of our sister organizations.


On Sunday 17 July, there will be oral and interactive sessions organized by ISPRS Student Consortium. The students who are currently working on their graduate, master and PhD. studies are welcome to attend.


All registrants at the ISPRS Congress may nominate a software system or a data set for the contest. In principle, all tutorials, software or data sets nominated for CATCON contest should be non-commercial and should be provided to users without license charges for not-for-profit use.


ISPRS together with United Nations Initiation on Global Geospatial Information Management (UN-GGIM) will organize the first ISPRS — UN-GGIM National Mapping and Cadastral Agency Forum. One of the strategy goals of ISPRS is to provide a better forum for National Mapping and Cadastral Agencies to discuss their scientific and technical issues in mapping.


ISPRS together with the International Academy of Astronautics will organize the first ISPRS-IAA Space Agency Forum. The Forum provides an ideal platform for Space Agencies for mutual discussions with one of the main community of users of space imagery and scientific community that supports it.


ISPRS encourages companies to organize Exhibitor’s Showcase Sessions and Commercial Sessions to present the latest development of their societies to the ISPRS Congress participants.


Half-day or one-day tutorials will take place before the Congress (11 and 12 July). These tutorials are prepared for Congress participants to bring their knowledge up to date or to be introduced to new developments.


Summer school before the Congress will focus among other topics mainly on: LIDAR Measurements and Free softrware for GIS and remote sensing. All Summer school participants must have an accepted paper at the Congress.



The Congress offers social activities every evening such as Welcome Reception, Exhibitors’ Reception, Congress Dinner and more.

For young scientist special social program will be prepared like Young Scientists Ice-Breaker Party, Soccer match and more.

Various optional and technical tours will be offered.

General Information Final program


The main purpose of the Student Consortium is to link students, young researches and professionals in different countries and provide a platform for exchange of information, to organize student specific events and other actions that integrate youth effectively into ISPRS.

Youth activities will start with Summer school before the Congress, followed by Youth Forum during the Congress. “Youth Forum” Best posters and papers will be awarded during the General Assembly. To strengthen the interaction among young scientists special social program for young scientists will be organized.

More info


ISPRS recognizes individual accomplishments through the sponsorship of awards and honors which are granted at each quadrennial Congress. Nominations for deserving candidates for awards are welcome and may be made by individuals or organizations in due time.

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