Other sponsors
Esri, the leader in GIS technology, offers innovative solutions for enterprise imagery management and web GIS. The amount of high resolution remotely sensed data and elevation data is expanding, while the cost is falling. The Esri ArcGIS platform provides the tools and capabilities to make imagery, lidar and elevation data relevant and valuable. Esri technology includes tools, workflows, and applications that can be quickly implemented within an organization to help you see your project, find the patterns and share the results with others.

From our base in the heart of Europe, AccuEarth provides highly accurate GCPs and GIS products to our customers worldwide.
AccuEarth’s global network of skilled professionals is continually collecting GCPs around the world to provide accurate coordinate data for an increasing variety of applications. We utilize accuracy and topo analyst map accuracy software to verify and validate the spatial accuracy of aerial and satellite data as well as verify the accuracy of any pre-existing geospatial data sets.
Our guaranteed and consistent quality of GCPs ensure that you can produce the most accurate enhanced imagery and GIS data sets for your projects.

The European Space Agency (ESA) is Europe’s gateway to space. Its mission is to shape the development of Europe’s space capability and ensure that investment in space continues to deliver benefits to the citizens of Europe and the world. ESA is an international organisation with 22 Member States. By coordinating the financial and intellectual resources of its members, it can undertake programmes and activities far beyond the scope of any single European country. ESA’s job is to draw up the European space programme and carry it through. ESA's programmes are designed to find out more about Earth, its immediate space environment, our Solar System and the Universe, as well as to develop satellite-based technologies and services, and to promote European industries. ESA also works closely with space organisations outside Europe.

Geodyn has been set up with the leading personal from the former Maps Geosystems. They are those who have devised procedures that turned into standard operations in the mapping industry.
GeoDyn today concentrates on aspects such as the introduction of temporal data attributes into GIS, and defining the relevance of applicable data layers. This leads to minimize data acquisition requirements which in turn shortens planning operations and reduces cost substantially.
GeoDyn believes that there is an imminent requirement for the analogue/Digital conversion of aerial photography and this not only to safeguard a country’s heritage, but to be able to reappraise predictions made previously and corresponding corrective measures taken at the time, if any.
In view of the above GeoDyn developed an Analogue to Digital conversion procedure that is by a magnitude faster than conventional procedures, thereby making important data accessible to a larger user community.

Vexcel Imaging, based in Graz (Austria), taps into more than two decades of photogrammetry expertise offering state-of-the-art digital sensor systems based on the latest and most-advanced technology. The comprehensive aerial camera portfolio provides a wide range of imaging capabilities from wide-area mapping (UltraCam Condor) to nadir (UltraCam Eagle & UltraCam Falcon) and oblique (UltraCam Osprey product line) camera systems. On the terrestrial side are the car-based mobile mapping system UltraCam Mustang and the UltraCam Panther portable 3D reality capture system (currently under redesign). The system family is complemented by the fully integrated processing software UltraMap delivering exceptional quality point clouds, DSMs and ortho imagery.

Established in 2005, GEO is a voluntary partnership of governments and organizations that envisions “a future wherein decisions and actions for the benefit of humankind are informed by coordinated, comprehensive and sustained Earth observations and information.” GEO Member governments include 102 nations and the European Commission, and 95 Participating Organizations comprised of international bodies with a mandate in Earth observations. Together, the GEO community is creating a Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) that will link Earth observation resources world-wide across multiple Societal Benefit Areas - Biodiversity and Ecosystem Sustainability, Disaster Resilience, Energy and Mineral Resources Management, Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture, Infrastructure & Transportation Management, Public Health Surveillance, Sustainable Urban Development, Water Resources Management - and make those resources available for better informed decision-making.

Local Support
City of Prague
Economy of the country. It is the seat of the supreme legislative, administrative and political bodies of the state.
Prague has a population of over 1 200 000 inhabitants and is visited daily by over 100 000 tourists.
The head of the City is the elected Mayor of Prague

Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre (ČÚZK) manages state administration of the cadastre of real estate in the Czech Republic and ensures performance of surveying activities in the public interest given by the law. The main tasks are:
Complete administration of the cadastre of real estate
Maintenance of geodetic control
State mapping of the Czech Republic
Creation and actualization of the Fundamental Base of Geographic Data
Maintenance and documentation of the state border
Development and maintenance of the Information System of Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre
Standardization of geographical names
Administration of the Central Archive of Surveying and Cadastre