International Society for
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing

From human history to the future with spatial information

  • Congress sponsors:

Media partners

GIM International

GIM International, the independent and high-quality information source for the global geomatics industry, brings you the latest insights and developments in both technology and management, including: topical overviews, news and developments, expert opinions, innovation updates, and more. The magazine is published monthly (i.e. 12 times a year) and is available on a subscription basis (print or digital). A subscription to GIM International includes the weekly e-newsletter.

GIM International is written for key decision-makers active in the international geomatics field and is targeted at commercial, academic and government professionals worldwide. Its readers are involved in land surveying, GIS, photogrammetry, remote sensing, LBS, Lidar, cartography, GPS/GNSS, cadastres, 3D city modelling, geo-databases and other geomatics-related activities.


3sNews is currently the most influential and authoritative information service provider of China Geospatial Industry. With the perspective of cross-border, innovation, and global, 3sNews promote innovation and entrepreneurship of China geospatial Industry. 3sNews was founded in 2005, and its core business involves new media, marketing research, entrepreneur community, top talents service, and investment consulting.

Mundo Geo


GeoConnexion International and GeoConnexion UK bring you the latest news and stories plus reports from geotechnology industries in UK, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, North America and Asia.

Coverage of topics such as 3D Visualisation, Remote Sensing, LiDAR, Cloud, Mobile Mapping, Navigation with emphases on healthcare, public safety, retail, the environment, utilities, surveying, LBS, transport/ logistics, telecommunications and more.

To view the magazines:
Tel: +44 1223 279151; Email:


GISCafe is a portal offering GIS and geospatial professionals complete GIS product catalog listings, technical papers, GIS news, CEO interviews, multimedia presentations, priority press releases, event postings, job placement and more. Each GISWeekly Review delivers to its readers news concerning the latest developments in the GIS industry, in a readable newsletter format with feature stories and news bytes. GISCafe receives more than 100,000 unique visitors and its daily newsletter has more than 40,000 subscribers. Subscribe to the daily newsletter at GISCafe.Com.

GEO Media

GEOmedia, the Italian magazine for geomatics, is published 6 times a year. GEOmedia aims to open a worldwide window to the Italian market and viceversa to report on latest news communicating new developments and applications in the complex field of earth surface sciences. GEOmedia dial on all activities relating to the acquisition, processing, querying, analysis, presentation, dissemination, management and use of geo-data and geo-information. The magazine covers subjects such as surveying, environment, mapping, GNSS systems, GIS, Earth Observation, Geospatial Data, BIM, UAV and 3D technologies.

The printed version of GEOmedia has a readership of about 5.000, made of public administration and governmental organizations, GI professionals, small, medium and global businesses. The magazine is distributed also during major exhibitions and conferences where mediaGEO participates as media partner or as moderator/organizer of specialized sessions.

V1 Media

V1 Media publishes Earth Imaging Journal (http:/, Sensors & Systems (, Informed Infrastructure (, Asian Surveying & Mapping (ASM) (, and the video news site GeoSpatial Stream ( Each of these publications deals with the combination of sensors and systems for different geographies and for related disciplines. Engineering, surveying, positioning, GIS, BIM, and remote sensing are key areas of coverage with the goal of increased infrastructure performance and efficiency, and better stewardship of our planet. We deliver our content via print publications, websites, video, e-newsletters, e-learning, and events.

Earth Imaging Journal

Earth Imaging Journal is a bimonthly digital magazine covering a range of earth observation and geospatial technologies and applications. Content is crafted to satisfy novice through professional. Content is written by industry professionals, researchers and magazine staff to illuminate the broad band of applications, products and processes that are shaping the international Earth imaging market.

Sensors & Systems

Sensors & Systems covers the integrated technologies of GIS, remote sensing, modeling, spatial analysis, surveying and sensor technologies for the understanding of change. We focus on some of the key challenges that these tools help us address, including energy, water, food, biodiversity, environment and security.

Asian Surveying & Mapping

Asian Surveying & Mapping reports on surveying, positioning, GIS and remote sensing in the countries of Asia and the Pacific. ASM is both a weekly email newsletter and a news website.

SPAR Point Group

Commercial UAV Expo

Commercial UAV Expo is the best choice for industry professionals who need to keep up-to-date with rapidly evolving commercial UAS developments, trends and technology. Conference sessions focus on UAV/UAS integration for large asset owners in select market segments. Topics include systems selection, workflow integration, data management, legal and regulatory considerations, outsourcing versus insourcing, safety and training issues, deliverables and more.


International LiDAR Mapping Forum is a technical conference and exhibition showcasing the latest airborne, terrestrial and underwater LiDAR as well as emerging remote-sensing and data collection tools and technologies.

Congress program

The Congress is divided into multiple sessions of various types. To actively participate (as a presenter) you must submit a contribution to the one of the following sessions:


The Scientific Program of the Congress will offer a wide range of topics, which are incorporated in the present orientations of the ISPRS Technical Commissions and all their Working Groups.

Theme Sessions will present bridging themes between/among WGs.


ISPRS cooperates with other organizations and they organize together so called Special Sessions (SpS). These sessions will enhance a range of potential applications of our knowledge and will spread our achievements to the member of our sister organizations.


On Sunday 17 July, there will be oral and interactive sessions organized by ISPRS Student Consortium. The students who are currently working on their graduate, master and PhD. studies are welcome to attend.


All registrants at the ISPRS Congress may nominate a software system or a data set for the contest. In principle, all tutorials, software or data sets nominated for CATCON contest should be non-commercial and should be provided to users without license charges for not-for-profit use.


ISPRS together with United Nations Initiation on Global Geospatial Information Management (UN-GGIM) will organize the first ISPRS — UN-GGIM National Mapping and Cadastral Agency Forum. One of the strategy goals of ISPRS is to provide a better forum for National Mapping and Cadastral Agencies to discuss their scientific and technical issues in mapping.


ISPRS together with the International Academy of Astronautics will organize the first ISPRS-IAA Space Agency Forum. The Forum provides an ideal platform for Space Agencies for mutual discussions with one of the main community of users of space imagery and scientific community that supports it.


ISPRS encourages companies to organize Exhibitor’s Showcase Sessions and Commercial Sessions to present the latest development of their societies to the ISPRS Congress participants.


Half-day or one-day tutorials will take place before the Congress (11 and 12 July). These tutorials are prepared for Congress participants to bring their knowledge up to date or to be introduced to new developments.


Summer school before the Congress will focus among other topics mainly on: LIDAR Measurements and Free softrware for GIS and remote sensing. All Summer school participants must have an accepted paper at the Congress.



The Congress offers social activities every evening such as Welcome Reception, Exhibitors’ Reception, Congress Dinner and more.

For young scientist special social program will be prepared like Young Scientists Ice-Breaker Party, Soccer match and more.

Various optional and technical tours will be offered.

General Information Final program


The main purpose of the Student Consortium is to link students, young researches and professionals in different countries and provide a platform for exchange of information, to organize student specific events and other actions that integrate youth effectively into ISPRS.

Youth activities will start with Summer school before the Congress, followed by Youth Forum during the Congress. “Youth Forum” Best posters and papers will be awarded during the General Assembly. To strengthen the interaction among young scientists special social program for young scientists will be organized.

More info


ISPRS recognizes individual accomplishments through the sponsorship of awards and honors which are granted at each quadrennial Congress. Nominations for deserving candidates for awards are welcome and may be made by individuals or organizations in due time.

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